sexta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2017

A message to read in another day.

Today is my daughter's birthday. And she is living in another country.
So I send her this message:

"Aug, 25th

Hey baby!

Welcome to the world (again)!!!!

There are so many things to say... But I will write to you read another day...

Now, I will say:

Vou guardar os beijos de hoje, pra te dar logo mais (em junho... Hahah)


So, I will write a entire message here.

Aug, 25th

Hey Baby!

Welcome to the world (again)!!!

The same things I could tell you in 2000, can be good at this time.

This world is so big. There are different things that the place you are before now.

Sometimes you will feel confused. Sometimes you will fell afraid. Sometimes you will fell scared.  And probably, many times, people will not understand your feelings, and all you will wanna do is cry. How much loud as you could.

But, don't worry!!!!

There are thousands people around you, that will love and protect you all the time.

And inspite of all those feelings, many times, you will just need a hug and a time in someone's arms.

Don't worry and don't be sad!!!

You will learn countless lessons:

A new language to communicate with everybody.

Walk by your own legs

Discovery so many things.

You will discovery that you won't need my arms (our arms) or hands all the time.
But you will be sure that they are open to receive you any time you need.

You will do your own way. And we will watch you growing up. Your mistakes and correctness. Your falls and the strength of your raise.

Well, today, in 2017, I am felling like in your first day at school.
You said goodbye, and went happy and smiling with the unknown teacher. It was wonderful for you. You would learn new things. And it was hard to me, I needed to learn how to go of your hand.
We grew up that day.

Aug, 25th 2017 - Today is another day to grow up.

Honey, I love you so much.
And I will keep with me all the hugs and kisses I can not give you now.

Then, be prepared for the day that I will give it to you.

Kisses baby!
Welcome to this amazing world!!!

(Sorry for my English. Google help me sometimes)

segunda-feira, 7 de agosto de 2017

Quem é você?

Alice corre atrás do tempo.

Tentando entender o que não pode entender.

Ela acredita no país das maravilhas.

E tem amigos loucos, não tanto quanto ela, que se reúnem de vez em quando para tomar chá (ou comer alguma coisa)

Alice admira as flores, conversas com plantas e insetos, Alice faz amigos por onde passa.

Alice discute com o gato, os assuntos da vida... E ele some de repente, deixando-a mais confusa do que antes.

Alice sorri também.

Ela se sente enorme e logo depois se sente miúda novamente, alternando tamanhos e sentimentos.

Alice se aventura, enfrenta seus medos. Tudo é maravilhoso no país das maravilhas...

E depois, Alice descobre que era tudo um sonho.

Não sei... Me identifico com Alice.

Talvez seja hora de parar de correr atrás do tempo, e sentar um pouco para tomar um chá.

quarta-feira, 2 de agosto de 2017

Sem lógica

Procurando motivo pra me preocupar.

Qualquer coisa que preencha meu tempo para que eu não sinta ele passar.

Um milhão de tarefas, sem poder me concentrar em nenhuma delas.

E as agendas se sobrepõe.

Procurando resolver todas as coisas, enquanto seleciono mais uma dúzia de coisas pra resolver.

O foco é atingir a linha de chegada com a sensação de dever cumprido ou é cumprir todos os deveres antes da linha de chegada chegar?

Inspirar, expirar, dormir, acordar, correr...


Pensamentos que não param.

Alegria, medo, dúvidas, certezas...

Calma... Ansiedade...

